OH-16: Schuring Steps In It

The other day I commented that while Kirk Schuring, the GOP candidate for the open seat of retiring Rep. Ralph Regula, has not been particularly impressive, he hasn’t made any major mistakes so far.

Obviously, I spoke too soon.

From The Hill:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today circulated a video of GOP House candidate Kirk Schuring, at a rally in Ashland, Ohio, saying “we might be shot at” if the rally had been held in the downtown area of nearby Canton.

Schuring was speaking at a John McCain rally, according to the DCCC.

“Where I come from, we could never have a rally like this in the center of Canton. If we did, we might be shot at,” Schuring said. “But not in Ashland, and that’s what makes you so great.”

Here’s the video:

Advice to Schuring: Don’t insult the population anchor of the district that you’re trying to represent while off campaigning in other areas and think you can get away with it in the YouTube age.

12 thoughts on “OH-16: Schuring Steps In It”

  1. What a Moron! I was disapointed on the night of the OH priary election when Matt Miller was winning the GOP race for this seat, maybe I should have been hoping for him……..

  2. unbelievable.  What an idiot!   While I appreciate it as a Democrat, it scares me as an American that we have choices like him actually running for congress.  

  3. and there’s dumber, and I think Shuring is Schurely in the latter…

    Bonncaruso is laughing all the way to the bank.

    Go DEMS go.

    I know Canton all too well. Shuring is talking utter nonsense…

    1. While I might appreciate the Republican party’s failing miserably this cycle as a Democrat, said appreciation is offset by a growing concern as an American about the lack of political competition–competition is, to some extent, a healthy thing that makes sure that helps assure that candidates are at least somewhat semi-decent.

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